Why I’m Just As Excited About Our 6th Remedy Mission And 163rd Child As I Was About The First

Noor, a little Iraqi girl, waits for her heart-surgery patiently during Remedy Mission V, she wasn't able to receive one then, but RMVI is here and she's ready for her surgery!

As you’re reading this, I’ll probably be looking for my carry-on. At the same time, the iron will be heating up, three airline tickets to southern Iraq will be taped to the front-door and my weathered passport will be sticking out of my shoe. The alarm clock will be set for 6 AM but it’s more of a fail-safe since I’ve never been able to sleep the night before traveling anyways.

Tomorrow begins our 6th Remedy Mission in Iraq, and once it begins we’ll only be hours away from serving our 163rd child.


Since it’s our 6th mission you would think by now I’d have it all together. You would also think that at this point our excitement for these missions would start to level out as they become more of “business as usual.” You’d be exactly right thinking that this is becoming “business as usual” for all of us at PLC, but that’s exactly why my excitement isn’t peaking anytime in the near future. 

For us, “business as usual” means witnessing another round of lifesaving, heartmending, peacewaging surgeries given to Iraqi children who have waited for far too long. For you, it means interacting with and following a slew of stories and photos on our Blog, all centered around those you’re helping us serve this mission, like beautiful Noor. For the medical team, it means another two weeks of working around the clock, teaching, evaluating, and giving child after child a chance at life, day after day. 

But for the 20-25 children that will be saved this trip…this isn’t “business as usual” by any means. For their parents, this is NOT just another Remedy Mission. This is the week that their child will be given the open heart surgery that they’ve searched and waited their entire life for. For children like Noor (pictured above), this week is going to give them a chance at life. Because of that, I’ll gladly stay up all night waiting for the remedy. I may eventually figure out the art of getting ready for a trip like this, but I don’t think my excitement will ever change. 

Remedy Mission VI kicks off……NOW!