Yasna Wraps Up Her Time In The Hospital Ward And Says Goodbye!

It’s all hands on deck for us at the hospital as we not only continue to follow children into surgery but now out the door, as children are beginning to go home each day!

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Today we said goodbye to little Yasna (pictured above) as her family was learning from the nurses and cardiologists how to best take care of her once she’s at home. After that, her bags were packed and they walked through the hospital ward saying goodbye to all the friends that were made over the past few days. The lucky ones got a smile out of her!

We love that we got to meet Yasna this Remedy Mission. Even though it was a heart defect that brought us together we love that it didn’t have to end at that. We love that today she was proudly carried out of the hospital after receiving the remedy! The hospital ward already seems incomplete without her, but we know that her home is finally complete now that she’s there! YOU made that happen!

If you’re on Twitter this week be sure to use the #RemedyMission hashtag to describe all the good news coming out of Iraq this week via @preemptivelove.