Yazidi Soldier Places Makeshift Cross Atop Church Destroyed By ISIS

Near the front lines of the fight against ISIS, a Yazidi soldier fashioned a makeshift cross out of two boards and planted it on the remains of a destroyed church in Sinjar. It was a beautiful act of solidarity with Christian neighbors who used to live here.

Just over three months have passed since Kurdish and Yazidi forces dislodged ISIS fighters from the strategic city of Sinjar. For many Yazidis, Sinjar will always be home. No matter how dangerous, they intend to return their newly-freed homeland.

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Did you know you are helping displaced Yazidis right now? This is your beautiful act of solidarity! In the days and weeks ahead, we will be updating you on the amazing work you’re making possible among the people of Sinjar.

In the meantime, please continue to stand with the Yazidis and other groups targeted by ISIS. You’ll help provide aid, medical care, and empowerment grants for those seeking to rebuild in the wake of conflict.

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