Concert for the Border

They fled some of the world’s worst violence.
You can help them.


On July 21, Natalie Kahler hosted and performed a benefit concert for the most vulnerable on our southern border.

Hundreds of asylum seekers arrive at the US border every week, fleeing for their lives. Many arrive with nothing. Not even the most basic essentials.

We stepped into the gap, joining with local friends here on both sides of the US-Mexico Border to provide emergency backpacks for over a thousand asylum seekers.

Many are asylum seekers who’ve either received permission to stay in the US while they wait for their asylum hearings or have been forced to wait on the Mexico side. Either way, they’ve exhausted what little they have just to get here.

As the crisis evolves, families are risking danger, desperately trying to find refuge.

We can be the people who choose the power of love on the US-Mexico border. Join us.