Hi there! My name is Caleb and I like to run, but I also like to run with a purpose. I’ve been supporting Preemptive Love for a few years now because their pursuit of peace between conflicting communities really moves me. Now I want to give people the opportunity to also show up and join me in the peacemaking movement as well!

Along with some of my friends, I’m forming a group to run in marathons and fundraise for Preemptive Love! We want to encourage others to show up for families who are rebuilding their lives after experiencing war and conflict.

I would love it if you joined me and my friends on a journey to do something we are passionate about, which is to run and love anyway! Whether you are motivated to run or donate, either one can make an incredible impact on the movement to bring about peace.

Thank you so much for the support and joining me on this journey!



$0 of $2,000 goal