Updated as of: September 19, 2019

Pursuant to Articles 37—39 of the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”), Preemptive Love Coalition, a U.S. registered 501(c)3 charitable organization (“Preemptive Love Coalition,” “we,” “us,” or “our”), has appointed the following Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) to monitor data processing activities and assist Preemptive Love Coalition with maintaining the security of our website visitors’ and customers’ personal information and to perform the GDPR compliance responsibilities discussed herein.  

Data Protection Officer:

Data Protection Officer for Preemptive Love Coalition

Dane Barnett at dataprotection@preemptivelove.org

Authority of the DPO:

  1. Preemptive Love Coalition shall work with the DPO to identify what assistance and resources the DPO will need in order to carry out his/her duties and shall ensure that the DPO receives such assistance and resources. 
  2. The DPO shall report directly to Chief Operating Officer regarding matters within the scope of his/her duties as DPO. 
  3. The DPO shall be protected from any dismissal or adverse employment consequences for actions validly carried out within the scope of his/her responsibilities as DPO. The DPO will not be required to carry out any other responsibilities that conflict with his/her role as DPO.

Responsibilities of the DPO shall include:

  1. To inform and advise management and employees of Preemptive Love Coalition of our obligations under the GDPR;
  2. To monitor our compliance with the GDPR in connection with our data processor;
  3. To train staff on GDPR requirements as they relate to the employees of Preemptive Love Coalition;
  4. To act as an intermediary between us and the relevant authorities regarding GDPR compliance;
  5. To assist with inquiries from our customers and website visitors, who qualify as Data Subjects, as to exercising their rights under the GDPR; and
  6. To partake in all aspects of our data processing decisions in order to assure that his/her judgment is factored into such matters.