Hi there, I’m Dre! I’m turning 40 and I have everything I need and most of what I want, so this year for my birthday, I’m hoping to raise $500 for Preemptive Love. Ben and I have been monthly supporters of Preemptive Love for over 2 years. We were so struck by the work they do in Syria, Iraq, and the US – on the frontlines in some of the most dangerous and broken places, bringing food, water, medical supplies, and hope. Their intention is to be the first in and last to leave, moving from relief to development, investing in locals who create long-term impact.

Right now, Preemptive Love is working with local partners to address the biggest needs in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. At the moment, families seeking asylum in the US are forced to wait in Juarez for months. Many lack access to safe housing and the most basic necessities. Preemptive Love is working with some of the largest shelters in Juarez to increase capacity so they can continue providing shelter, food, security, and legal assistance with dignity.

Please join me and Preemptive Love in helping this shelter grow as it continues to provide a reliable, safe space for countless families fleeing violence.

You can find more information about Preemptive Love’s work at the US-Mexico border right here! It moves me to tears knowing there are people who love like this – and I choose to be part of it. Would you join me?

$502 of $500 goal