Hi there! My name is Emily. I know that so many of us are going through a difficult time or transition because of COVID-19. There are also other underprivileged communities that don’t even have basic needs, or access to them, to survive quarantine during this pandemic.

In Iraq, Syrian refugee camps have been on lockdown for weeks, and they do not have the ability to even go buy food. If anyone in the camps get diagnosed with COVID-19, it would spread uncontrollably, so families are forced to stay where they are. However, these families are barely surviving without any food.

Preemptive Love continues to receive urgent requests to feed thousands of families in these camps. They won’t stop showing up for them, but they need our help. $15 can help provide a family of food for a week. Will you join me in helping Preemptive Love provide food for these families?

Thank you all for showing up for other communities, and for choosing to love on others instead of give into fear during this difficult time. Wishing each of you safety and peace where you are.

Grateful for you,


Check out what Preemptive Love is doing during this crisis:

Food Distributions in Refugee Camps

3 Ways Preemptive Love is Responding to COVID-19

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