Conversation Starters
- Share a story/thoughts connected to each of these statements: Other people see me as… I see myself as…
- What has given you hope lately?
- Pair up with one or two people. Find five things that you have in common.
- What’s something in your childhood that has shaped who you are today?
- “One day I’m going to….”
- What individual journeys are we all on? (Ask the group about a journey they are on, or plan to be on)
- Describe a time when you were made to feel you didn’t belong.
- Describe a time when you felt valued and that you did belong.
- Who did you grow up hearing about as the other or less than?
- What are some ideas about how we can make our welcome wider in our everyday lives and in our group?
- How do you feel about the phrase, “war starts in our own hearts”? Does it make you uncomfortable?
- Discuss this passage: “We are building the most diverse, hand-in-hand community of peacemakers on the planet. We celebrate difference rather than fear it. We choose to love anyway, so that we might change the ideas that lead to violence.”
- When have you felt nervous in a group of people? Where do you believe this feeling came from?