
Invitation Email: 

Hey! I want to invite you to the Love Anyway Feast that I’m hosting on November 3rd. Preemptive Love, a peace-building organization, is inviting people from all over the world to have a feast on a specific day all together. We’ll celebrate our differences instead of fighting over them. We’ll discover what holds us together. 

It’s going to be a night to begin healing what’s tearing us apart. It’s about getting to know your neighbors who are beautifully different from you. Those who vote differently from you. Pray differently. Love differently. 

I’d love if you came. All you have to do is send me your email and I’ll add you to the list of communication! Then pick a dish or drinks to share and show up!  

Please watch the Love Anyway film so you can see what truly inspired me to do this!

Invitation Text: 

Hey! I want to invite you to the Love Anyway Feast that I’m hosting on November 3rd. Preemptive Love, a peace-building organization, is inviting people from all over the world to have a feast on a specific day all together. We’ll celebrate our differences instead of fighting over them. It’s going to be a night to begin healing what’s tearing us apart. All you have to do is send me your email and I’ll add you to the list of communication. Then pick a dish or drinks to share and show up! 

Please watch the Love Anyway film so you can see what truly inspired me to do this!

Invitation Social Post: 

Use our Social Graphics for your posts!

I’m doing something really brave. I’m hosting a Love Anyway Feast. @preemptivelove has a mission to end war and so do I. So, on November 3rd we’ll celebrate our differences instead of fighting over them. We’ll discover what holds us together. It’s going to be a night to begin healing what’s tearing us apart. It’s about getting to know your neighbors who are beautifully different from you. Those who vote differently from you. Pray differently. Love differently. I’d love if you came. All you have to do is send me your email. Then pick a dish or drinks to share and show up!  

Thank You for Signing Up/What to Bring: 

Wow. Thank you for signing up! Truly, I am honored to begin to heal all that’s tearing us apart with you and the other people that will be at our feast. 

Here are a few steps that you can take as we get ready for our feast: 

  1. Watch + Share: Watch the Love Anyway film so you can see what truly inspired me to do this. Please watch and share it on your social media! 
  2. I’ll be providing a main dish for our feast. But, if you would like to bring a side or drinks we’d love that! Also if there’s a dish that’s close to you culturally, we’d love to try it. 
  3. Have someone in mind that you think should be at our feast? Send me their email! 
  4. Here’s the address and parking directions: (fill in your info here) 
  5. Get excited—we’re about to feast! 

Feast Reminder: 

Tomorrow is the day! We’ll come together for the Love Anyway Feast, to heal all that’s tearing us apart. We’ll celebrate our differences instead of fighting over them. 

Can’t wait to see you. 

Follow Up, Thank You, and Next Steps: 

We did it. We feasted, shared our hearts, and listened to each other. We began to heal all that’s tearing us apart. 

Don’t stop now. Here are a few next steps you can take to continue building peace.

  1. Rewatch the Feast Closer video.
  2. Join a Love Anyway Gathering or start your own! 
  3. Post your pictures on social media and make sure to use the tags #loveanywayfeast #loveanyway 
  4. Stay in touch! Change can happen in a moment, but healing takes time.