Global EducationGlobal Education
Backpacks are just the beginning.

Get Kids Back on Track this School Year

Children around the world are going back to school… and THOUSANDS of them are in desperate need of supplies!

Join Our Backpack Give-Back

But for thousands of kids, the beginning of a new school year fills them with dread. Although they may like school, the shame they feel is soul-crushing. 

They wish the classroom floor would swallow them whole when they have to “borrow” a piece of paper and a pen for the umteenth time….

They feel invisible when they’re told to stand in the back of the class because they don’t deserve a seat….

They wish they had parents, full-stop, let alone anyone to pay for their tuition….

But you can help us make a difference, one backpack at a time.

This back-to-school season, we’re setting kids up for success. With the help of supporters like you, parents from Mexico to Yemen to Afghanistan and beyond will have one less worry.

Your support will fund projects such as:

  • Buying backpacks and filling them with much needed school supplies for vulnerable children in Juarez, Mexico.
  • Furnishing classrooms with enough tables and chairs so marginalized students in Aden, Yemen no longer have to stand in the back of the room while they learn.
  • Funding the school fees for orphaned boys and girls in Kabul, Afghanistan.
  • Refurbishing schools and filling them with desk sets in rural communities of the Central African Republic.

…and more!

Backpacks and schools supplies

We must show kids around the world they’re not alone! Will you partner with us to provide school supplies for a child in need this back to school season?

Just $15 buys a backpack, and another $15 fills it with the school supplies they need to help them thrive this school year. Our backpacks hold pens and pencils, rulers, markers, highlighters, a calculator, colored pencils, erasers, sharpeners, notebooks, scissors, pencil pouches, and “Move 4 Peace” hats to help kids stay cool and inspire the next generation of peacebuilders.

I’m in! I want to give back. fill packs, and get kids on track for a great school year.