Help Nawras Remake Home Today

Give $15/month to help her start a business, take care of her children, and remake home for her family.

Today, sign up for a monthly gift to give Nawras what she needs to start her own business and provide for her family. Your gift will also help other refugee women just like her.  Let families know you’re walking hand-in-hand with them for the long-term, until Nawras and others have what they needs to flourish.

Nawras lost her husband to terror, and her home to war. Since 2015, she and her children have been living in a camp with thousands of other displaced Iraqis.

Nawras needs to feed her children, and find a way to bring her family home.

She still lacks basic needs like food, shelter, income, and protection.

Today, sign up for a monthly gift to give Nawras what she needs to start her own business and provide for her family. Your gift will also help other refugee women just like her.  Let families know you’re walking hand-in-hand with them for the long-term, until Nawras and others have what they needs to flourish.

Looking to see how else your monthly gift will be remaking home for other families? Watch here!