“My goal was to learn English. So I can tell the world about the suffering of my people.”

Thank you for listening to Nermin’s story.

Her story doesn’t stop here.

She needs a better future, a chance to find better work. A job she can do right where she is, with only a smartphone and a signal.

Will you give her the chance she needs to restart her life and provide for her family?

When you invest in Nermin, you’re investing in her peaceful future.

$50 puts a smartphone in Nermin’s hands and young people’s like her–so they can earn income from anywhere.

The problem

Young people in Iraq have few good ways to earn a steady wage—often with no other choices but poverty or life in a militia.  

The solution

Create hundreds of tech jobs—for young people with few opportunities, refugees, and people with disabilities—and disrupt the cycle of violence with meaningful work.

  • 2 in 3 are working or continuing their education within a few months of completing their training.
  • More than half of these working entrepreneurs make more than the average salary in Iraq.
  • Nearly half our student entrepreneurs are women.

Wanting to learn more about how microwork is the solution to end war? Read here how microwork is disrupting cycles of violence in Iraq.