Hi, I’m Justin! For the past few years, I’ve been learning more about how the number of displaced people continues to rise and their stories. I’ve been searching for a way to help and this past August I finally found some direction after reading Jeremy Courtney’s “Preemptive Love: Pursuing Peace One Heart at a Time”. Jeremy Courtney is the CEO of Preemptive Love, and he and his team are working to bring immediate relief as well as long term support to innocent civilians and refugees caught in the crossfire of the war on terror. They show up on the frontlines and choose to love anyway.

I’ve been moved by their story and the stories of countless people they help. Sometimes, in reference to those that they help, I would think “what if their story was my story?”, and I would think of how terrifying it would be going through war and violence. But instead of focusing on that fear, I want to dig deep into love like Preemptive Love does and work on making an impact and bringing peace to those that need it most.

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.. [the Lord] preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.” – King David (Psalm 23)

By December 23rd, 2019, I have a goal to raise $2300 for Preemptive Love to be able to “[prepare] a table” for those in the valley of the shadow of death. You can donate at least $23 to the campaign (please don’t hesitate to donate more as you are able). You can also help by sharing the reason why you decided to donate with 5 other people as well as inviting them to donate too.

I trust Preemptive Love and I believe that they will give their best efforts to making sure they put
any funds you donate to the best possible use. You can read more about their work, if you’d like to check out more details. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I pray that you and yours will be blessed for your decision to help in such an important cause.



$689 of $2,300 goal