Meet Rim and her son, Ahmad. Rim lost her husband and her home due to war. Like many children who have been forced to flee, Ahmad has experienced so much in his seven years that he’s become traumatized, frightened easily by men and loud voices.

But Rim is determined to make a better way for her son Ahmad. Rim knits hats for refugees in Syria as part of our winterization distributions. Here we give scarves, hats, rolling beds, and boots to families in the countryside of Aleppo.

Rim shared, “It helps us have work to do and extra income. Our products are of great use to the people receiving them. Thank you to whoever is giving to us—the people who were destroyed by violence.”

Today, help remake home for families like Rim’s that have been devastated by war. Through your support Rim is able to provide for Ahmad, to create a safe and secure home for him. And as you stand with Rim—you’re also keeping a thousand families warm with the hats she knits.

Give $15 now to support Rim and keep refugee families warm.