Keiko’s Birthday Fundraiser!

It’s my birthday on September 19th, and I’m asking my friends to support the organization that my youngest daughter, Kelley, works for. Kelley is the Major Gifts Officer, Team Lead for Preemptive Love, and she’s been working there for a year and a half. Kelley has always worked in nonprofits, and I know from what she’s told me that this organization has been the most meaningful and special to her.

Preemptive Love is in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Venezuela, Colombia, and Mexico. They do so much, all in the name of stopping the spread of violence and having the most diverse network of peacemakers. They give food boxes and hygiene kits to migrants and refugees, provide medical services to communities that do not have easy access to care, support children through education and sports programs, and so much more.

Kelley was able to go to Lebanon this April to visit the Preemptive Love programs there, and even though I was nervous for her, I knew she had to go and experience the work firsthand. She would message us everyday with pictures and updates and came home with so many amazing stories about the communities they were helping, the kids she met, and what she learned being in Lebanon.

It would mean so much if you gave to this organization that I’ve come to love! Please join me in giving back to Preemptive Love for my birthday.

Lots of love,

$265 of $500 goal