Summer Internship 2021

Lottie Hood

Preemptive Love’s mission to unmake violence by helping where it is most needed, creating long lasting changes, and helping to try and heal hurt and bridge differences is incredible and is something I believe the world needs a lot more of. Being a journalism student and soon-to-be graduate, I am passionate about social justice and the telling of people’s stories to help promote positive change. This is why I am so grateful and excited for the opportunity to be a Communications Intern with Preemptive Love in Iraq. 

I am honored by this opportunity and very much looking forward to working with and learning from the staff and volunteers at Preemptive Love and gaining more insight about the work that is carried out in the beautiful country of Iraq. I am excited to be able to use skills learnt to assist the team in the office with editing and possibly creating content as well as assisting in whatever tasks are needed to help further Preemptive Love’s movement of promoting peace.

$3,060 of $3,060 goal