#MMGives with Preemptive Love

Mission Measurement’s mission is to solve the world’s most intractable social problems using data. We help funders like governments, foundations, corporate CSR to improve the impact of your investments in social programs. Our outcomes-based frameworks, tools and benchmarks are leading the industry to set clearer goals, make smarter resource allocation choices and produce better portfolio impact.

This month, Mission Measurement’s #MMGives is supporting an international anti-violence, anti-war organization: Preemptive Love. They stretch across Iraq, Syria, Latin America, the United States, and beyond, working together to unmake violence and create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. Some of their recent campaigns include:

  • Supporting hospitals in Gaza providing emergency care to injured Palestinian civilians
  • Providing essential needs in Venezuela to suffering citizens as the country’s economy is on the brink of collapse.

We want to support Preemptive Love because their end goal is beyond providing relief and jobs. They pursue peace and reconciliation and strengthen communities in the midst of crisis and wars.

If you need more information about Preemptive Love, here are some resources:

Impact of Community

Love Anyway Film

Preemptive Love named a top COVID-19 responder by Charity Navigator