When no place feels like home.

Help now at the US-Mexico border.

Human Rights at the Border

With the expiration of Title 42, the rules for migrants at the border have been changed again. While the policy continues to change, the need to respect human dignity remains constant.

The families who flee to Mexico aren’t just “migrants.” Many are refugees trying to escape violence. They are on the run from gangs who extort family-owned businesses, kidnap women and girls, and threaten to forcibly recruit or kill children—much like ISIS does in Syria and Iraq.

Most arrive at the border with nothing, not even the most basic essentials. While they wait, they’re at risk of kidnapping and assault. We must stand up to help the most vulnerable.

When you sign now…

  • You’re standing for human rights like food, water, clothing, and medical care at the border.
  • You’re reminding migrants in search of a better life that they’re not forgotten.
  • You’re holding fast to the belief that everyone deserves a path to a brighter tomorrow

    Stand in solidarity with those who want a better future for themselves and their children! 

    Will you sign now to show your support?