With each New Year comes a sense of renewal. Renewal of hope, renewal of goals, and renewal of intention. It provides the opportunity to bring out the best in ourselves and move forward with positivity and purpose. 

From January 9th to January 16th, 2023, you can take a step towards achieving your New Year’s resolution of making an impact by helping our friends around the world. 

Make a one-time donation of $100 or more, and receive a special gift from our shop.


What if I don’t want a gift?

After making your donation, you will receive an email where you will have the option to opt out of receiving a gift.

Why is the minimum $100?

The minimum is $100 in order for your gift to reach more of our friends this winter. With an investment of at least $100, we are able to better support and plan for our friends in places like Mexico and Afghanistan. You can see how helpful a $100, $500, and $1,000 donation would be in our graph above.

What else can I do to achieve my new year’s resolution of making a difference?

If you’re like us, you’re starting this new year fresh and looking for ways to be an involved peacemaker. You can take baby steps, like following us and sharing our story on Instagram. If you’re ready for more, consider starting your own gathering to bring people together in your community and have tough, compassionate conversations. You can also think about other ways to give (e.g. birthday fundraiser, employee matching, etc.) to help our refugee and migrant friends this year.