Next Steps in Peacemaking…

So you attended a Preemptive Love event, and you’re ready to take another step? Let’s do it. 

You’re now part of this global community of peacemakers, and we’ve got some fantastic ways for you to connect further!

Move for Peace

Throughout the month of September, we’re hosting a fundraiser called Move for Peace, where peacemakers across the globe move in solidarity with our friends who are forced to move: migrants fleeing violence, refugees seeking stability, families in search of safety. Our community will run, bike, skate, craft, dance, and move in whatever way feels most authentic to each person, all while fundraising within our networks. Learn more and register today!

Connect with Community

We know that a world without war will require all of us joining together, working to stop the next war before it ever starts. Connect with our community team as they equip peacemakers with the skills and experiences needed to wage peace in their own neighborhoods. Reach out to our team at!

Become a Member

In this global community of peacemakers, everyone gives and everyone receives. Become a member today to support this work financially, so we can keep saying “yes” to showing up for our friends impacted by war and violence around the world.