March of the Dead
Search for Common Ground

Religious Engagement

It has been an especially difficult time for Arab Israelis as the death toll continues to soar, with 167 murders in Arab towns and villages by criminal gangs since January. Arab society is in survival mode. 

Search for Common Ground has been building trust between Jewish and Muslim religious leaders, some of whom refused to sit together when that work began years ago.  Today some of those same leaders are speaking out in solidarity, calling fellow religious actors to take responsibility for the lives of everyone and put a stop to the violence in the Arab sector.

Following an especially emotional meeting about the recent violence, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders launched a media blitz with interviews, articles and blog posts across mainstream religious media outlets, beginning with an influential article by Ms. Ghadir Hani in the Times of Israel followed by another by Rabbanit, Dr Tamar Meir. Over 100 Jewish religious leaders, men and women, signed a petition calling on the government to do everything to stop the bloodshed.

Increasingly in Israel as in many of the places we work, people are coming to realize that violence against any one of us is violence against us all. 

Search for Common Ground’s team and partners in Israel will continue the work to build peace. 

Search for Common Ground provided the necessary funding for these activities in Israel but we need more to keep building the mutual trust and commitment essential to stop the spread of violence. We’d be honored to have you join us today.