Hi there! My name is Jeremiah, and I’m working alongside some amazing kids in a youth group at Oasis of Grace Church to help Preemptive Love bring peace to this world. I heard about Preemptive Love recently and was immediately moved to work with the kids on supporting Preemptive Love and teaching them about the importance of loving and helping others.

Preemptive Love is an international organization working across Iraq, Syria, the United States, and beyond, working together to unmake violence and create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. Our goal is to help Preemptive Love bring peace to countless communities by fundraising at least $1000 by this Christmas to help provide families with a sense of hope and healing during the holidays.

Kids in a Syrian refugee camp in northern Iraq pose for a photo. Photo by Charlene Winfred/Preemptive Love Coalition


We want to get involved with helping Preemptive Love because we live in a time where the response is often divisiveness. The norm is to protect ourselves or hurt them before they hurt us. But that system has been going on and isn’t changing anything. When Jesus had his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, he didn’t enter with an army or lead a military revolt, but he entered on a donkey and loved people, healed people and brought wholeness. Even when he was on the cross, he chose to love and forgive. We want people to give because our brothers and sisters are hurting. God makes it clear that we are ALL made in his image. We refuse to be okay with image-bearers being oppressed, slaughtered and starving. We want to do whatever we can to extend the heart of Jesus to our marginalized family all over the world. Will you join us in the movement to bring peace and love anyway?

If you want to learn more about Preemptive Love, they recently released a new film that tells their story and mission. Here’s a quick trailer about their film, Love Anyway:


$0 of $1,000 goal