People around the world are suffering now more than ever…

YOU can help us bring them aid!

As of 2022, more than 84 million people have been forcibly displaced, with an estimated 30 million refugees globally. It can feel like we are powerless to change this reality, or even to make a difference at all.

But a better world is possible — one that you can help us achieve!

Our work stretches across Iraq, Syria, Latin America, the United States, and beyond, as we partner with local communities and activists to unmake violence and create the more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible.

With the help of supporters like you, we’re reaching across enemy lines and creating the most diverse community of peacemakers on the planet, to stop the next war before it starts.

We’re working with partners across the world to:

  • Respond fast with relief on the frontlines of conflict: food to help families survive, shelter to remake home, and medicine to mend the wounds of war.
  • Distribute emergency supplies and equip shelters for asylum seekers waiting at the U.S.-Mexico border.
  • Create jobs by providing capital for vulnerable families to start businesses, coaching to help their businesses thrive, and connecting them to the global marketplace.
  • Cultivate peace in war-torn Sudan, bring aid to earthquake-devastated Syria, heal communities in conflict-ridden Yemen… 

…and more!

We must show suffering people around the world they’re not alone! Will you partner with us to provide relief and create jobs for families on the run from violence and disaster?

I’m in! I want to help end conflict and bring hope to these families.