Kombucha for a cause

Probiotic Love

Kazucha is the name of a home-brewed kombucha, made for a cause.
The Kazucha Fund is a group of neighbors and co-workers who receive Kazucha in exchange for donations to a cause we love. With our monetary gifts, we receive again through the joy it is to be a part of a loving coalition.

The Preemptive Love Coalition is a global movement of peacemakers committed to unmaking violence by confronting fear with acts of love.

The Coalition stretches across Iraq, Syria, the United States, and beyond, working together to unmake violence and create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

Through our work, we are the first in and last to leave. The Coalition serves on the frontline of conflict and disaster, providing lifesaving food, water, and medical care.  Then, we stay to listen and invest in locals to create long-term impact with small business grants, tools, and coaching so they can start again and so their families can flourish.

Those of us participating in the Kazucha Fund appreciate the opportunity to help support the work of the Preemptive Love Coalition.

$168 of $1,052 goal