Put People First!

Click the photos to read the stories of your impact.

Put People First 

Violent conflict and natural disasters are equalizers, adding the young and the old, the rich and the poor, believers of all creeds, and people of all colors to the list of loved ones lost forever. Entire families have been erased from civil registries while nature bears witness in silence. 

Survivors face the daunting task of recovery and rebuild. We’re standing by them, but we need your help. This Giving Tuesday, let’s put people first.

Through our emergency relief, stability programming, and peacebuilding initiatives, we’re healing trauma before it passes on to the next generation, but we can’t do it without you.

Over the years, you’ve chosen to show up in the hard places. From Venezuela and Mexico to Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, you’ve put people first, seeing stories not statistics, upholding dignity, and fostering resilience. You know how the act of giving expresses belonging.

Put People First by Responding with Emergency Relief 

People dig through the rubble with their bare hands, desperate to reach voices before they fade into whispers, and then silence. While the ground still shakes, you show up with food boxes and hot meals; blankets and hygiene kits. You sit and listen, offering psycho-social support and comfort.

500 hygiene kits were distributed to support those affected by the Afghanistan earthquake.

Put People First by Creating Stability in New Beginnings

People are hanging on by a thread. Turn that thread into a life line. Each entrepreneur you empower with a small business grant and personalized coaching regains a sense of self and control over their lives. Your support means children eat better and stay in school longer. Whole communities stay intact and have a chance to flourish.

You can give a conflict-affected youth a fresh start with each training session you make possible. Young people learn trade skills alongside members of divided communities, creating trust and unity.

The Mu Gina Gobe Project: Building a More Peaceful Tomorrow in Niger

Put People First by Building Peace on Common Ground.

Us versus them means nobody wins. Choose to love anyway, so everybody thrives. Each question you ask shifts a perspective. Each commonality you uncover sparks a connection. Each conversation you have increases empathy. 

 Peacebuilding is bigger than all of us, but it takes each of us.

Together, we’re putting people first.

Love Anyway Feast, a movement to help connect people over a common plate.