From teacher to refugee to business owner

Field Report: April 2019

Charlene Winfred, one of our team members in Iraq, was visiting an electronics store that recently opened—just one of the refugee-owned small businesses you helped start here. The kids in the area were so curious, they joined in to say hi. We wanted to share this with you as a little taste of what it’s like working with us on the frontlines.

Saaid was a teacher in his village before ISIS and for the last four years has continued teaching in his refugee camp but for no pay. You recently helped Saaid and his wife, Nada, open an electric shop, because they no longer wanted to depend on loans or their neighbors to get by. Thank you for helping Saaid and Nada build themselves a better life.

Thank you for bringing help that lasts to refugees like Saaid—creating jobs, providing income, giving them what they need to flourish!