Rahul Aluri

Running for Peace

Tata Mumbai Marathon

On January 20th, 2019 I’ll be running a full marathon in Mumbai, India – and I wouldn’t want to do this without a good reason. This race will be used to raise funds for Preemptive Love Coalition, an organization that brings emergency relief to the front lines of war torn countries like Syria and Iraq. They work in the midst of conflict and provide lifesaving food, water, medical care as close to the front lines as possible, so that people don’t have to brave bombs or bullets in order to care for their families.

While 42.2 Kilometers (26.2 miles) seems impossible, I know that it’s nothing compared to the hardships faced every single day by the people that Preemptive Love Coalition serves. Every step I run will be to honor those that have passed through such tragedies and an effort to give them hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. Please join me in providing relief to families in war zones.

Donation Suggestions:

I will be running 42.2 Kilometers for the marathon and total 150-200 KM in training over the next few weeks. So here is a breakdown on how you can help me reach my goal! Feel free to donate what you can though, every donation counts!


400 = $2/ Kilometer
150 = $1/ Kilometer


40 = $1/ Kilometer
80 = $2/ Kilometer
160 = $4 / Kilometer

$154 of $1,000 goal