We’re Sheryl and Brittany, a mother-daughter team, who along with our friends and faith communities, are joining Preemptive Love to help provide winter survival kits to thousands of displaced families in Syria. We do this by raising money through the local sales of Cinnamon Rolls during the Christmas season. We and our baking teams donate time and ingredients so that about 95% of the purchase price can go to helping Syrian refugees. To find out more, check out rollsforrefugees.com.

Winter is coming to northern Syria. Temperatures are dropping into the 30s, and thousands are still displaced, many of them children. Right now, they’re sleeping in unheated, abandoned buildings.

$40 can help provide one winter survival kit. Many of the items in each kit are made by Syrian refugees, which include socks, hats, and scarves. Everything is purchased locally to strengthen nearby communities while serving the most vulnerable. Will you join us and Preemptive Love in helping bring warmth to communities that need it the most right now?

If you’re interested in hearing more, here is a quick message from Jeremy Courtney, Preemptive Love’s CEO:

$1,930 of $500 goal