Yes! You’re here. 

Let’s care for 70,000 survivors of war and violence.  


I’m so thankful you’re in this work with us. $15 allows Dr. Hussein to give 10 patients medical visits. He and his team are the only source of lifesaving medical care for 70,000 survivors of war. Let’s show up with Dr. Hussein in his home community!

I’d love to say hello and welcome you here real quick! But of course, if you’re excited to get to Dr. Hussein’s story go ahead and scroll. It’s a powerful one, and definitely worth the read.

Besides reports I hear from our team on the ground about Dr. Hussein’s work, I also know he must provide the most thoughtful and skilled care because he cares deeply about his home community. I’m honored to share his story with you today. 

From a young age, Hussein dreamed of becoming a doctor. He’s from a small rural community in Iraq, where family and community are everything. He always wanted to make his family proud.

Two years into medical school, his community fell to ISIS. Hussein had to decide between staying near his family or becoming a doctor. He chose to become a doctor, although it was incredibly challenging to be apart from his family.

As soon as Dr. Hussein’s town was freed from ISIS, he went back, ready to be reunited with his family and home. But he was devastated. Everything was destroyed. From newborns to the elderly—no one had access to medical care. Now Dr. Hussein and his medical team risk their lives daily to reach 70,000 people in his home community where no government or organizations are providing care.

Dr. Hussein’s medical team sent these photos of him caring for his patients. I’d love for you to meet the people he cares for!

His patients have survived so much trauma but their problems have not stopped with the war. Without Dr. Hussein and his team, they have no other medical options.

Today, let’s stand with Dr. Hussein and his lifesaving work. No one knows how to care for their community like someone who grew up there. Give $25, even $5 to remake Dr. Hussein’s home.