One gift can help a refugee today.

Donate now to support those seeking safety, freedom, dignity, and hope.

Refugees risk their lives pursuing safety because they have to. Some take buses or planes. Many more walk, crossing borders on foot. Some take the journey alone, joining with others along the way because there is safety in numbers. Others travel as extended families, carrying toddlers or grandmothers over a mountainous rainforest filled with flash-flooding rivers, dangerous wild animals, and even more dangerous traffickers. 

Having to do something dangerous in order to be safe is an unyielding contradiction. It takes grit, faith, and – at times – the love and care of others.

Whether you’re passing out hygiene kits to Latin Americans waiting to ride La Bestia north through Mexico or coaching Yazidi survivors’ business owners, you’ve honored our refugee friends’ resilience with your generosity. 

But there is still so much more to do. Will you donate now to support those seeking safety, freedom, dignity, and hope?

Just $8 will provide a hot meal for a refugee at the U.S.-Mexico border. 

A gift of $40 will provide hygiene kits for an entire family of refugees in need.

Millions of refugees around the world are counting on you! DONATE NOW to show these refugees that they are not alone.

Thank you for showing up for refugees on the road, in their time of resettlement, and in their homes.