Summer Internship 2020

Margaret Vanschaik

My name is Margaret VanSchaik and I am a junior at Indiana University Bloomington, majoring in International Studies and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (Arabic language). I was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. I am very excited to be interning this summer with Preemptive Love in Sulaymaniyah. I am passionate about refugee issues and a primary goal of mine is to contribute in my lifetime in a positive way to bettering the lives of refugees, specifically in education. This opportunity is a great way to do that. In Sulaymaniyah this summer I will be an English intern. Myself and another intern will be English instructors for Syrian and Iraqi refugee students displaced to refugee camps in Sulaymaniyah. I have so much respect for what Preemptive Love stands for and faith in the work that it does. I am excited to experience firsthand what Preemptive Love is doing to end war and spread love anyway and I am grateful that I will be able to take part in that myself.

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