Summer Internship 2020

McKenan Bundy

“Let us work together for peace and unity.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Hi there! My name is McKenan Bundy. For a while now, my mother has been sharing blog-posts and podcasts featuring an organization that slowly began to catch my attention: Preemptive Love. The more I have discovered about Preemptive Love, the more I have come to believe in the work they are doing to make peace and heal the effects of violence in the world. Their ultimate goal: to end war. This is a tall order, for sure, but Preemptive Love has built an international, diverse coalition of people working to make this dream a reality.

Recently, though I am a simple English and film-studies student, I have been granted the opportunity to be a Communications Intern for Preemptive Love in the wonderful nation, Iraq. As a Communications Intern, I would be working in an office, helping Preemptive Love edit videos, helping with their podcasts, creating dignifying and important content, and anything else the Communications team in Iraq wants me to be a part of. It is a small part in a movement that is changing the world.

In a time when it seems that many people and nations are averse to peace and justice for the sake of nationalism, religious bigotry, etc., this work could not be more vital to Iraq, the United States, and frankly the entire world. 

This is an amazing opportunity, but I cannot do this alone. Before May 30th, I will need to have raised $4,100. I cannot meet this goal without your help. Any amount great or small would be highly appreciated. I am so excited to go to Iraq, to learn, to work, to grow, to participate, and to create. Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey!

$153 of $4,100 goal