Support Katelynn’s Internship

I am a current Junior at the University of Arkansas, originally from the DFW area of Texas, studying Political Science and Communication. My Freshman year, I got involved in an on-campus organization called Students for Refugees and the local refugee resettlement agency in Fayetteville, Canopy NWA. Once I began to get involved, I quickly realized I had found my passion.

Today, I serve as the President of Students for Refugees on Campus and work closely with Canopy through their After School Buddy Program. In addition to working with SFR and Canopy, I love to read, paint, and take photos with the new friends I’ve made in Fayetteville.

I am hopeful and excited to be able to use the skills I’ve gained to contribute to the peacemaking of Preemptive Love Coalition this summer through my photography and storytelling.  I am honored to have the opportunity to share the stories and display the dignity and resilience of every person I  meet in Iraq. I believe everyone has a story to tell and I can’t wait to share them with you.


Katelynn Sigrist

$2,915 of $3,800 goal