Hi, my name is Trey! I found Preemptive Love about a year after learning about them through Jen Hatmaker. They work in places such as Iraq and Syria alongside refugees as they flee violence and war. By standing in the gap with food, job creation, and community building programs, they are working to end war.

Recently, they have begun responding to those seeking asylum in the US from places like Honduras and Guatemala. This region is the most violent not in an active state of war. I’ve been looking for ways to get involved and help those fleeing Central American violence, so I decided to help them fundraise for this campaign.

Would you consider supporting this fundraiser to help meet the goal of providing 10,000 backpacks with emergency supplies to those fleeing violence? Please join me in helping provide these families with a sense of safety and love.

If you have any questions about the program, click here!

$152 of $500 goal