
Help refugees become entrepreneurs, coders, and freelancers.

Last year, you changed the game for young refugees when you launched WorkWell, a tech space where they’re becoming entrepreneurs, coders, freelancers. Where they can access the digital marketplace—and reclaim their future.  

Now, 100% of students from our first WorkWell site have access to online work every day. Many are earning double the average local wage, or more.

Our plan this Sunday was to open two new locations in two more cities in Iraq, reaching another 600 refugee students this year alone.

But the building owners had other plans. They saw a chance to exploit vulnerable refugees for their own gain. We got word Thursday that they are doubling the rent we agreed to, for both the space and equipment—two days before we were set to welcome new students.

Iraq is not America. Renters don’t have the same protections from landlords. They know we’re using this space to help refugees, and they’re betting we have no choice but to meet their demands.

They’re wrong. We do have a choice—because we have you.

We need to raise $120,000 by Sunday to welcome our refugee friends to the first day of their future.

Your gift will purchase 200 laptops, desks, and chairs. Owning the equipment will allow us to quickly rent new spaces and outfit them ourselves, instead of being at the mercy of those who would profit at the expense of refugees.

Please give today—and show our refugee friends that they deserve a fighting chance.


Desk and Chair

Desk & chair

$75 & $25

Help furnish three classrooms, where refugee students learn high-demand skills like coding, graphic design, and more.




Provide laptops for students to use at the tech hub, along with high-powered computers for video editing and graphic design.


Tuition for a semester


Provide a semester of tuition for one refugee student—and help them take the first step toward a more prosperous future.

Donate Now

$116,571 of $120,000 goal