Northeastern Syria

You’re feeding families in 37 locations. Children are malnourished and starving. You are providing ready-to-eat food packs.

You’re supporting mobile clinics that care for, on average, 100 people each day. Our teams have been responding to traumatic injuries from gunfire and shrapnel.

News from other regions in Syria…


Women in Homs—some of whom have been displaced by war themselves—are sewing the bed rolls that displaced families in Northeastern Syria will receive to keep them warm all winter.


We’re supporting a clinic in Harasta that provides specific care for women and children. In a nation at war, it’s difficult for families to get even basic medical care. In 2019, we’ve provided 4,114 clinic visits for children 5 and under.


We support 250 traditional farmers in Aleppo—100% of whom have maintained their farming and are able to earn a living and feed their families.

Saleh, father of eight children, just won an award for most efficient, high quality, and fruitful farm in Deir ez-Zor. Here he is, proudly displaying his trophy.

Thank you for working to end war in Syria. With your help, we’ll stay in Syria as long as it takes until families are safe and flourishing once again.

Syria at a glance
Jan – Sept 2019

36,381 medical consultations

375,042 hot meals served

500 farming jobs created

50 bombed-out homes repaired