Help Yazidi families return to their ancestral land

Losing your home is destabilizing. Security fades, stranding you in a limbo of uncertainty. When your home stands on sacred land as homes do for Yazidi people in Iraq, losing a home is synonymous with losing dignity and identity. 

Sinjar is the sacred land for the Yazidi people, but overnight and without any warning, this land was brutalized by ISIS. Almost 200,000 Yazidis were forced to flee, leaving everything behind.

Yazidis have had seven years of limbo, living in displacement camps, caught between longing to return and unable to afford to. 

Until now, when you step in.

Our community of peacemakers started with nine families, rebuilding their homes from the foundation up. More families joined and said they want to return home… 

Will you say YES?

Your YES helps Yazidi families return to the place where their hearts belong. It’s reconnecting their identities to a home they hold sacred.

Monthly donations empower our relief aid by guaranteeing next year’s budget from which we design and plan to program. Help us create certainty for our friends who are treading through an uncertain world in the aftermath of violence.

Help us rebuild what ISIS tried to erase. Become a member of our community of peacemakers to help displaced families return home to Sinjar.

Read more about how we can stand with families as they go home.