Hi there! My name is Chris, and I’m joining Preemptive Love in helping families that are forced to flee their homes in Northern Syria. Thousands of families have become displaced as Turkish bombs destroyed their homes.

Preemptive Love is in on the ground with urgent medical care and food. Although they are continuing to provide for the families in need, the number of displaced families who need food is enormous. Preemptive Love is one of the few organizations still responding, and I decided to help them deliver more food to those in Syria.

Our goal is to raise $3000 to provide ready-to-eat food for around 450 people. Will you join me and Preemptive Love in providing these families in Syria with a sense of hope and love?

If you’re interested in learning more about the crisis in Syria, here are some helpful materials you can check out:

Crisis in NE Syria (And the Ceasefire that Wasn’t)

A Definitive Guide to Turkey, the Kurds, and the Conflict in Northern Syria

Inside Syria’s “ISIS Camp”

$0 of $3,000 goal