Preemptive Love is an international organization working across Iraq, Syria, the United States, and beyond, working together to unmake violence and create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. At the moment, they are working hard to provide those in Syria with emergency medical aid and ready to eat meals.

On my birthday, I ask you to please consider making a gift to this incredible peace-building effort. If you are not able to give, please take some time to read about their efforts and about their inside perspective on what’s currently happening in Syria. In such divisive times as these, it is pertinent for us to come together, look past politics and truly see our neighbors, whether they be next door or across the world. Our awareness and action, rooted in love, has an impact. It can save lives and change the world.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Syria crisis, here’s some helpful resources:

Podcast: US Withdraws from Syria (And it Could Lead to War)

A Definitive Guide to Turkey, the Kurds, and the Conflict in Northern Syria

US-Turkey Deal Worsens Crisis in Northern Syria

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