5 Takeaways from the Change in US Canada Border Policy

Yesterday, the US and Canada announced changes to the immigration policy at their shared border. If you’re confused about what this means, read on.

  1. The 2004 Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA), signed by the US and Canada, requires migrants to make asylum claims in the first “safe” country they reach. If a migrant arrives in the US but presents themself at an official port of entry to Canada, the Canadian government can deny them entry. STCA does not apply to people crossing at unofficial points of entry, such as Roxham Road.
  1. The new agreement allows officials on both sides of the US Canada border to turn back migrants at unofficial points of entry, headed in either direction.
  1. The new US Canada border agreement applies only to people crossing by land, not to those arriving by plane or ship.
  1. Canada will create a new refugee program to accept 15,000 migrants coming from Central and South America.
  1. The new US Canada border agreement can take effect immediately because it does not require US Congressional approval.

Poverty and violence continue to drive people from their homes. You are working to stabilize communities in Venezuela, Colombia, and Mexico with food relief, educational opportunities, and job creation programming. For those who’ve walked across countries in search of a better life, you are providing food, hygiene kits, and a listening ear at the US Mexico border.

Preemptive Love’s Manuel and Esbeydi packing supplies for a food distribution at a local shelter in Juarez. Photo by Haniel Lopez for Preemptive Love.
Our migrant friends are excited to see us. Photo by Haniel Lopez for Preemptive Love.
Manuel and Esbeydi take a well-deserved break. Photo by Haniel Lopez for Preemptive Love.

If you believe everyone deserves to live in safety and with dignity, consider joining us as we stand by our migrant friends in these times of evolving immigration border policy. A small donation underscores empathy. Subscribing to our blog reaffirms that there is more that unites us than divides us. Sharing this story helps build a more peaceful world.

Say “Yes!” to Living in Safety and with Dignity