Peace for Northern Syria

My dear friends at Preemptive Love are on the ground in Northern Syria.

Over 300,000 have fled after Turkish bombs fell. Families are without food and homes as winter approaches.

Other organizations left because it’s so dangerous. Preemptive Love stayed. They were shot at, but they still delivered food to thousands.

Their teams just ran out of food, and I knew I had to help. I’m raising my hand to bring food to families who need it most.

$40 can provide emergency food for a family of six.

Will you join me and Preemptive Love in providing these families with a sense of hope and love?


US-Turkey Deal Worsens Crisis in Northern Syria
2-minute read

Withdrawal From Syria: What It Means for Allies, Refugees, and ISIS
By Jeremy Courtney (Founder and CEO), 5-minute read

PODCAST: US Withdraws From Syria (And it Could Lead to War)
18-minute episode

Who Are the Kurds?
6-minute read