Hi there, my name is Lisa Rigg! My husband and I met Jeremy Courtney around 2010 and got the opportunity to learn more about his vision to bring peace to war-torn areas. After meeting Jeremy, we decided that it would be cool to turn our regular Christmas parties into parties that support a cause! So that’s when we started to host Riggmas parties! Riggmas is our last name (Rigg) + our annual Christmas party for Preemptive Love.

At Riggmas, we invite all our friends over to participate in various activities and also receive gifts from the Preemptive Love shop! Each year, we focus on making an impact alongside Preemptive Love and our friends are gracious enough to give and help countless communities around the world. So far, thanks to Riggmas and our friends, we’ve been able to help provide 8 children with lifesaving surgeries, 26 families with blankets and heaters for the winter, and 80 displaced children with the opportunity to go to school.

This year, we want to help the countless families in Northern Syria that are forced to flee their homes. Preemptive Love is helping them on the ground by providing them with ready to eat food packets and emergency medical aid. $40 will help provide a family of 6 with ready to eat food for a week. Will you join us in helping our friends in Syria by bringing them some hope and love?

We would love for you to join us this Riggmas to help bring peace to those in Syria that need it the most right now. If you’re interested in learning more about the crisis that is going on in Syria, here are some helpful resources:

A Definitive Guide to Turkey, the Kurds, and the Conflict in Northern Syria

Permanent Ceasefire in Northern Syria is Not What it Seems

Baghdadi is Dead: The Questions No One is Asking

$964 of $5,000 goal