Northern Syria Crisis

Thank you for standing with fleeing families.

Families in Syria urgently need food and medical care—and you are providing it. 

Thousands of families have been displaced by the Turkish military offensive in northeastern Syria. Turkish bombs continue to fall, despite claims of a ceasefire.

Thanks to you, we’re on the ground serving thousands of people. Our mobile clinics are providing urgent medical care, and our teams are providing ready-to-eat food packs. 

The need is enormous, but you are rising to meet it.

Thank you for providing lifesaving food and medical care for families caught in this fast-breaking conflict.


PODCAST: The Ceasefire That Wasn’t
October 24, 18-minute episode

Permanent Ceasefire in Northern Syria is Not What It Seems
October 23, 5-minute read

US-Turkey Deal Worsens Crisis in Northern Syria
October 17, 2-minute read

Withdrawal From Syria: What It Means for Allies, Refugees, and ISIS
October 8, 5-minute read

PODCAST: US Withdraws From Syria (And it Could Lead to War)
October 8, 18-minute episode

Who Are the Kurds?
6-minute read