Change the Story For Others Like Claudia

“Starting from scratch is very difficult. But I know that better things are coming.”

Claudia, an asylum seeker waiting in a shelter at the US- Mexico border

The world doesn’t have to be what it is.
If you think violence shouldn’t destroy whole communities,
If you think economic devastation shouldn’t create refugees,
If you think neighbors shouldn’t be sworn enemies,

You can change the story.

A donation says “yes” to a better story for ourselves and our communities. If you’re tired of the same old tale, join us in changing the story. 

Providing Relief

See how you can provide relief in a crisis.

Creating Jobs

See how you can help someone turn their skills into a thriving livelihood.

Fostering Community

See how you can help kids embrace those different from themselves.

If you think the world doesn’t have to be what it is, help us change the story.

Your support means that communities wrecked by violence can rebuild, communities burdened by poverty can thrive, communities rife with division can heal. We will use your help where it is most needed, but some examples follow: